Painted Rock People Family Portrait

Painted Rock People Family Portrait

This fun craft is perfect for the entire family to do together any time of year. Okay, maybe not the dog or cat, but you get the idea. Gather the family and have each person paint a rock person that looks like themselves. If you have little ones, have someone help them add the details. The best artist can paint rock for pets. This craft is so fun and easy even the teenagers will like making their rock look their best.


  • Flat oval shaped smooth rocks of different sizes. Search “Craft Rocks for Painting” 2-5 inches.
  • Paint Pens
    •  Extra fine tips for painting your family’s faces and other details.
      • Colors
      • Skin tones (search “Warm Neutral Tones”)
    • Small black fine liner pens
  • Set of Acrylic paints in a variety of colors for clothing and hair. You can find these at craft stores in 2-ounce bottles
  • Small fine paint brushes
  • Craft wood slice or shadow box /picture frame. Get this after you have completed your rock family so you know the size it will need to be.
  • Clear matte sealant spray.
  • Industrial Strength Craft Adhesive to glue rock family to wood or frame.


  1. Pick out a rock for the head and one for the body of each family member.
  • Paint the main parts of the body using acrylic paint. Think of your favorite color or favorite shirt.
  • Use the paint pens to add detail to the clothing and use the fine black liner pen to add the details to each face
  • Don’t forget the family pet or pets.
  • Seal your rocks with a matte sealant spray if you want.
  • Using a paint pen, add your family name and any other details and designs you like.
  • Add your finished family painted rocks to the wood slice or frame using Industrial Strength Craft Adhesive.

All above images courtesy of Color Made Happy

Here is another example of a painted rock family

Image courtesy of Red Ted Art on Pinterest

Thanks to Color Made Happy! for this great family craft.

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