Welcome to The Harvest Porch

We are creating a positive and wholesome environment that will restore nostalgia in all of us. A safe haven where you can read, share ideas, provide resources, and bring a smile to your face.  Let’s bring back the emotional experience of remembering special moments, people, places, and optimism.

Back to a simpler time

Allow the Harvest Porch to take you back to the times when life was simpler, and people would gather on their front porches and just talk. 

No phone calls.  No texting or checking your email.   Not a phone in sight. Drinking coffee on a cool fall day or sipping iced tea during a humid summer evening. 

You would see young children playing outside and riding their bicycles down the street. Hours would pass by and the sound of laughter filled the air. But best of all, everyone was happy and there were no negative comments on the Porch as we see on social media today.  There was hope and optimism and no one feared about our children’s future and the state of our country. 

This concept can be traced back to the early 19th century when Trading Posts and General Stores were gaining popularity.  Besides trading and bartering goods and supplies, trading posts were also places for people to meet to exchange local and worldly news in a time when newspapers did not exist.

During warm weather, the porch also served as the social center. Men would gather on rocking chairs or the steps to talk about the weather, politics, sports, the price of crops, and more.  Life was not rushed and there was always time for their neighbors. 

How many of you miss these times in your lives?  Harvest Porch is the place for you. 

We will share stories that affect you and that you want to hear.  Allow us to be the light in your life that we so need and miss. Time to take a step back in time and recreate the nostalgia.

The inspiration for this website has slowly been building over the last few years and can be linked to several key factors.

  1. When I would watch the news, it was always about issues with crime, pollical corruption, the pandemic, and everything that was wrong in today’s world. Social media was providing the same options.  Negativity and pessimism were the only things that were being shared.
  2. Everything that we see on the internet seems to have a rating scale of PG-13 or R.  Our children and grandchildren are online and we needed to monitor all the websites or social media platforms to make sure they are safe.
  3. People cannot seem to put down their phones.  Whether they are on social media, watching videos, or texting, people no longer talk to each other. 
    • Most recently I was having lunch before going to a Pittsburgh Penguins game.  While we were eating our lunch, we noticed that a young couple sitting near us were on their phones during their entire meal; they did not even look at each other at all.  I can remember growing up and even the TV was not allowed to be on during mealtimes. We sat at the dinner table and talked about our day.

These are the reasons why we have created the Harvest Porch.   We wanted to create a family website where you can gather together as a family and spend a few minutes looking up a recipe, a DIY project, or share a laugh, then go out and make memories.


Nostalgia is a complex emotion that can be triggered by a variety of different events or experiences. It is a longing for an idealized past, often involving a mix of feelings of longing, warmth, and contentment. Feelings of joy can be brought about by memories of good times spent with family and friends. Special moments, a cherished spot, or a deep connection can also evoke these emotions.

Nostalgia can also be brought on by a familiar smell, taste, song, or piece of art. It is an emotional response to a reminder of something meaningful to us in the past that has since been lost or changed. It is a bittersweet emotion that can be both comforting and painful and can help us appreciate and find meaning in our lives.

Nostalgia often brings about feelings of sentimentality, warmth, and joy. It can inspire a sense of meaningfulness or life purpose, giving us a sense of belonging and connection to our past. Nostalgia can also bring about positive emotions, such as optimism and hope.

These emotions can comfort us in difficult times and help us stay motivated, even when faced with challenging situations. Nostalgia can remind us of the good times we had in the past. This can bring about a sense of gratitude and appreciation for our current life.